S+H Consulting

Case Study

Accelerated First-Time Audit of Business Unit Carve Out

Manufacturing + Distribution







Our client required a first-time audit of a business unit carve out in preparation for sale of units to separate third parties. S+H Consulting was engaged to manage the client’s execution of these strategic initiatives.


  • Determine appropriate & supportable allocation methodology for business unit carve out.
  • Prepare carve out financial statements, roll forwards and reconciliations for audit.
  • Prepare deliverables for multi-use: audit completion and diligence by prospective buyer.


  • Prepared project plan with detailed tasks and timelines required for 90-day audit window and achieved commitments to deadlines.
  • Reviewed various allocation methodologies with company & determined appropriateness for each level of financial activity by business unit.
  • Coordinated balance sheet reconciliations, income statements, account analysis and footnote preparation with auditors and geographically dispersed staff.
  • Prepared multiple reconciliations and analyses. Drafted financial statements with footnotes and schedules.
  • Assisted with stock valuation determinations for business units with multiple parent company transactions, both public and private.
  • Reviewed proposed audit adjustments and determined appropriateness for posting, noting or passing. All proposed adjustments were not significant to the financials.
  • Drafted presentation materials for sales packets and responded to questions from potential buyers in a restricted timeline environment.

Clean audit option on first ever audit of carved out business units in a 90-day window.

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